
When my poop squirts, my human feeds me this white stuff. The white stuff is worth having poop that squirts.


Those Sesame Street Furries think they have the market on adorable loitering...

Star Trek Berner

I'm not really sure why my human keeps calling me "Mr. Spock"...

Molly & Sherman

This one pets softly. Someone should teacher her that Berners like to be pet hard, so they can feel it...

Care Bear Meets Sherm Bear

My human calls this one "Care Bear." But her Care Bare Stare won't work on me...

Sherman Has a Fan

It's like riding in the car without leaving the house...

Heat Wave

I ask for an open fire hydrant, and this is what I get...

Bring Your Berner To Work Day

My human brought me to work. I wasn't happy to find another dog set as his wallpaper...

Berner AC

Design flaw: 130 LBS of heat generating fur and the only means of cooling is breathing...

Shake It Up!

I love shaking my head back and forth. Sometimes I just do it just to try and flip my tongue back to my ears. Funny, I can lick my own crotch but can't lick my ears...